

Have you ever felt like you needed to do something but just didn't quite know how, or even why? You just knew you had to do it?

That is what I have been trying to dodge for the past half year or so now, being a meanderer who likes to stop and smell the roses... ok... the meanderer who likes to stop and photograph the roses along with everything else in the vicinity, you would think I would be done gallivanting around and start getting to it long before now. 
And I was ready to, believe me. I have been going over this something, a lot.

So the thing is, I just gotta do this in order to get it out of my head and on to paper, as it were.

I am NOT a professional, and I do not pretend to be one.
I am just a woman who has been around a few block's, and know a lot of people who have been around a lot of block's.

So here goes

I don't want to shock anyone, but life is not always easy.
Most of its problems can not be solved in under thirty minutes and it usually isn't like it looks on t.v.
Sometimes its down right hard.
Other times its harder still.
And then, there are those times that are so, amazingly wonderful. When things are good.
Really good. 
When you not only can see that proverbial glass half full, but your livin' it, all the time.

That my friend is called life.

I live it, you live it.

That is the something I have been belligerently trying to ignore and yet badgered endlessly by of late.

The need to share the vast wealth of life experiences I *see*, living through my own experiences, along with the things gathered into the bouquet of experiences of other folks, who's shoulders have rubbed, bumped into or other wise passed on the wisp of the slightest of breezes, with mine along life's path in such a wide array of contact.

Maybe its a mid-life crises I'm going through.
Heaven knows I'm right there.
I have struggled with being 'right there' for to long and want out of that spot.

I'm so firmly in the spot where I see my mother's face looking back at me in the mirror that I have virtually stopped looking in them. The spot where I can no longer deny I am, (wiping a small tear from the corner of my eye), that sixteen year old with legs that would have given Tina Turner a run for her money.

I am now ripe as fruit or fully aged cheese, a mature, woman trying to figure out all over again 'who am I?'. Trying to get comfortable in my own skin again.

My head is still pretty sure I'm a teen, but my body is singing the "Nanny-Nanny-Na-Na" song loud and clear!
Apparently this is a beast that rises it's head periodically through out life, for some folks.

I am entering the year that my Dad died and my Mom became a widow. I am not only living on a shortening mortality list, I know, I am on that list.

It is a unique, exclusively individual, yet universal place to be.

So in order to quiet these persistant nudging somethings that have been lurking around my life lately, I will endeavor to share some 'today's', yesterday's and tomorrows of mine, hers and ours.
Fully aware that these experiences are not exclusive to women's lives, but it is the only perspective I can legitimately view life from, so all my 'stories' will probably be from the female perspective for that reason.

I will be mixing in my kaleidoscope of hobbies, and even some things that are cooked around here, not, by any means, all by me. 

And yes.
I may be throwing in a smattering of religion. It means a lot to me.

Please know that not all posts mean my life is going down the tubes, nor that I'm on top of the world, or stuck in a valley some place in between. I may be sharing stories that you relate so closely to that you think its your story, it's really a conglomeration of experiences that will be attributed to a "She", who may or may not, be gifted a made up name, for sake of the telling... I will be trying to follow my heart in what to post...

So if you would like to come hang out through some good times, bad times, and all the in between times...
You are cordually invited to join me over at Missy's place...

You can reach me by email at 


  1. LOVE it Missy! Can't wait to see more!

    And I'll so MISS you in the Lakeview Ward; glad I can keep in touch through the blog.

  2. Thank you Sabrina :)
    Maybe we will pass in the halls or during the Summer when we are out walking and visit? I will be visiting you on your blog too :)

  3. Beautiful Missy!!! I can't wait to read more!! I miss my Tina Turner legs as well. Miss(y) you!! :(

  4. I've been going through a lot of the "reinventing" as well- hope it's not my mid life crisis! :0)

    I still haven't sent your Christmas card, but I will today! Christmas caught up with me!

    Miss you! Tell your daughter hello! And tell her I finally got ICABOD for Christmas!!!!

  5. Thank you Jenni :)
    WoooWhooo!! Icabod and apple scrapple!!! Ashley Daughter said hi back and to please send your phone number in with teh card and she will call or txt you :)
