
Monday= Laundry

Being somewhat a creature of routine, I seem to be on the fast road to becoming more so as my life progresses. 
Don't get me wrong. 
Routines are good.
They can even be great, while at times they can also feel more like a rut than a routine.

As you have probably surmised by now, I have had an inordinate amount of time to ponder deep, and universal questions recently, so I thought it doth behoove me to share my deep thoughts and findings.

Laundry has long been a pox on my homemaking record and agenda.
I have tried, unsuccessfully for years, to come up with the perseverance to see this chore through. Clear from sorting to folding and ending blissfully with the crowning accomplishment of putting it away.

'If you put our laundry on your bed where you have to fold it to get into bed, is a trick that will help you accomplish this hard to do chore' touted one "Suzy Homemaker" article.

I'm here to tell you I tried that.
Many times.

It was a 'no-go'.

Come bed time that mountain of laundry on the bed was simply hauled to an alternate location. Until a near excavation project needed to be planned. 
Why I recall the few times I actually did find that love-seat under mount 'comeoniottafoldya', my children were at a loss, poor dear's, didn't know where to locate their clothes. 

Until I showed them the real reason for a dresser in your room.


I wish I could tell you that I have since overcome that sad way of laundry, but I have not.

At least not completely.


But I am diligently pressing forward in the quest to conquer this seemingly mundane chore.

I have found that I do much better if I have a routine to follow.

So Monday is laundry day. 

It helps that I don't have only but Honey and I to do the wash for now. But even at that, it gets away from me now and again.

I have tried different laundry deteergents over the years, White King caused allergies, a few liquids have been tried, then back to powders. And more recently to the old way my Mom used to do laundry...homemade laundry soap, with white vinegar in the rinse water, is now firmly on my Monday routine.
Let me tell you, when I first peeled back the age coloring paper wrap on the fels-naphtha bar, my heart does a pitty-pat. 
It smells like my Mom. 

My soap whipped up and cooled down and I am in business!

Next came the first part I love best about laundry day.

The clothes line!

I love everything about hanging clothes on the line!

Where you taught a routine when you were a novice laundry practioner?

I love using my Moms old clothes pins, my very RED clotes pin apron. 
I love the line my Honey ran for me, I love my helper these days,


There seem to be a few more perks, to doing your laundry in this manner, for instance, the entertainment element,of running, or in my case, standing among the lines of blowing items,


The delightful fresh breeze and warm sunshine smell. 
But best of all is the ease of folding as you take the dried items off the line, where they go straight to drawer or closet upon entering the house.


I enjoy doing our laundry this old way, using a simple routine, that is always left wide open for modifications, Mom's clothes pins, the standing still from the rush of the world, the calmness of Monday, laundry day...

Give me my routines and I am a happy camper.

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