
I really have been productive the past two week's, it feels good to accomplish things.

I needed to make a few baby gift's so I got a start on that by whippin up this sweet little baby cocoon. I found it at my favorite place to go for free patterns, ravelry .
You have to register, and it is so worth it!

Anyway, I found this and a few other things I want to make for photo props and I am way excited about that!

I was able to use this cocoon in picture's of the baby it was made for, they will be edited soon and I shall show you...

I should probably not be telling you how much I like food.

I do.

Very much.

We have some awesome chef's around here too.

That can either be a good or bad combination...

Last week's favorite's and new introduction's to me, were these Monte-cristo sandwiches, served with raspberry melba sauce .
Being the eclectics we are, we also found ourselves wanting these fabulous stuffed mushrooms!

All I had to do was eat, and wash the dishes :)

A friend of mine was making a Mohawk hat, whell when Tiny Dancer and her friend's saw them... she really needed one so she could be a 'Rock-n-a-Roll girl!!!'. 
I try never to stand in the way of some one's dream's and imagination, so I went to work on one for her.

Next, she needed an instrument to play, so she came up with her own idea. She to put a rubber band stretched between two drawer handles to play them for her instrument. Busy MomMa was put on rice bottle and I, well I pulled out the spoon's and that is a story in and of it's self...

The idea man, Tbone, thought being mobile would be much more fun so out to the man-cave he did go, returning later with this awesome rubber band guitar!

If only you could have been at the opening concert of "Rock~n~a~Roll Girl" last night, she was awesome!

Can I just tell you that the best Potato Soup  can be found by simply clicking on the words Potato Soup.
When the weather turns cold I like my homemade soup, easy, really good, and this recipe has topped our favorites' chart around here!

We have been waiting for a big snow storm. We have had wind and rain...lots of rain. If it were snow we could very possibly be needing to shovel the roof's.

But alas and alack, we wait.
We play, we cook, we eat, we prepare the snow blower...


Enjoy your week end :)

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