
Happy Anniversary

Today is our wedding anniversary.

We met at his cousin's house on Christmas Eve. It was not a blind date, it was more of a blind meeting. I was invited up and he was invited down. The goal being that we would be there at the same time.
When I arrived I was shown a little wallet sized picture of a very broad shouldered red headed hunk. "His hair isn't all that red anymore", they reassured me. Who was looking at the hair color when he had such a great smile and did I mention his shoulder's?
Besides I had quite a penny colored head of hair going on myself.
All the 'Sun In',in the world could not change that fact.
Well about the time they figured he was to shy to come and had about given up, there came a knock at the door and in walked cousin and three of his friends.
I am not sure to this day if I was whisked, or dragged into the kitchen and given the run down on cousin, his friends, and who thought who was hot and to not go there...Not a problem.
The cousin had me at hello.
That is, when he finally did get the chance to say hello.
He reassures me that I had him when he spied me being chaperoned to the kitchen.

We were married at tender ages.
Now thirty-six years later, we look back and wonder how that much time has passed, when it still feels new to us.

He was my Honey then...

He is my Honey now...

He is The Angel By My Side.

"You don't have to promise me the moon or stars . . . just promise that you will stand under them with me."

1 comment:

  1. You two are too sweet! How fun to hear how you met! Happy Anniversary!!
