

I have been contemplating a few changes around here...

As in rearranging furniture, painting a wall or room, changes to our living space.

This always causes Honey a fair amount of fear along with some slight trembling.
He does not embrace change, he would be perfectly happy to have a routine and live in it comfortably until the end of time.
I on the other hand like change. But this year I thought I would start in a little gently to make it a little easier on Honey.

I love the 'Joy' my daughter gave us for Christmas a couple of years ago... 

 I like it so much I leave it out year round. I asked her if I could re-paint it and she was all for it.
I chose the colors and Honey promptly clutched his heart, swayed a little and asked, "What's wrong with it the way it is? I like it...".

As Busy MomMa and I got busy dusting off all my resting tole paint toys, we were soon pulling out the tubs of paint, box of paint brushes and our latest projects he retreated to the security of his garage.

When the paint was dry, he looked at things a little differently.
"You know...I think I like that a lot better! I sure makes the room seem brighter."

We have also been working on some Valentine's Day decorations...

Honey is getting into the spirit of change, I know because he is starting to bring me fun new projects every day...

I wonder if he is trying to keep me pleasantly happy with the small changes, so that I don't make too many big changes?

No such luck!

I have a lot of changes, large, small, and in between, that have been dancing around in my head during the long winter nights :)

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