
Split Seconds

Over this past week end I went to a wonderful program called, "Time Out For Women", sponsered by a large book store affilieated with the religion I am active in.

I had so much fun! While I was having "my cup refilled".
One of the speakers challenged all of us to try this little experiment of "Split Seconds".

What is that?, you may very well be asking, as you are scratch your noggin'.

Well now!

I would be delighted to try to explain it to you!

This is the "Split Second" experment:
So often we think that to make the world a brighter place to be, we need to do some big project, some mammoth undertaking that requires a committee and a zillion volunteers...that we just wish we could do something...

Now, think of this, if you don't mind.
Someone is trying to turn out onto a busy street and you takes a Split Second to slow down or stop so they can get on the road, smile and wave them out. They smile, and maybe you give each other a little wave. Then that person gets to where they are going and passes the little kindness along, by taking a Split Second at a big busy store and holds the door open for another someone, smiles and maybe comment's, "It is beautiful weather out today isn't it?", then goes on their way. That someone when finished shopping, takes a Split Second to smile at the clerk, when the transaction is completed, calls them by name (It's on the little name tag's they sometime's wear),"Thank you Marge, I hope you have a good day", She smiles...

It only takes a Split Second to feel pain, or joy.

We never know what another person is feeling, thinking, or dealing with. What load they may be carring. Maybe they have experienced that Split Second that can be life changing, and needed a smile, a wave out onto the road, a comment that lets them know they were noticed, a sincere 'Thank You' and a kindness from someone...

You get the picture don't you?
You see how one Split Second can blossom and grow? 

So while I am not in a possition to make the whole wide world as beautiful as I wish it were, I can, take a Split Second to share a smile and a kindness...   

Jesus said in Matthew 25:40
..., Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

And Thank You, sincerely, for taking the time to read my blog!

If you are interested in learning more about my religion you can check here. If, you would like to :) 


  1. Fun round about way of saying things :0)
    Great principle! I can think of a lot of things that would only take a split second that would make my home a happier place too!
    And while the picture of the grass did make me smile, I was expecting one of you making a cheesy grin :0)

  2. I am seeing a big change all over the place :)
    Let me know how your experment works out!!
    The picture of the grass is sort of a hidden pic...Tiny Dancer saw a heart there :)

  3. Oh, I love that Missy! Thanks for sharing.
