
Spring Is Here!

Spring is here!

It crept in slowly, in a surprisingly fast way.

Maybe it was brought in with the last snowstorm, the one that was the biggest of our season. Hidden there amongst the frenzy of big feathery flakes, as they billowed horizontally, until closing in on the ground, as they spiraled in to be deposited.
Thus ending the last snow dance of the season.

Spring crept stealthily in with the melting. Moisture seeped into the now thawed ground. Waking the seeds that had lain dormant these past five months.

The vegetation is not the only thing to awaken with the lengthening days. The thaw has not only dispersed the blanket of white, but has beckoned the plump Robin Redbreast, the sleeping crocus, timid tulip, and apricot blooms. 
But has also been calling to cabin fevered hearts, and winter stored toys. Coaxing us out the doors to bask in the awakening of a world made new.

Of all the splendor, the miracles of life, the most cherished to me, is the awakening of the child within, when the doors and windows are finally thrown open, as is the vat of wonder that is delved into for the first time this Spring... 
know as...

Sidewalk chalk...


  1. Simply beautiful! Spring just isn't the same without sidewalk chalk, right?!

  2. Or all the crazy changing
