
Seasons First Fishing Trip

Oh my goodness!

Saturday morning I thought I would just run myself up to the store for a few BBQ items, be right back, then head up to the drink for some fishing and trail walking.

Everything was going according to plan. The schedule was being carried out to perfection.

Until about fifteen minutes into the plot when I arrived at the little market only to find...

I was sure this was a major snag in the days plans.
For I did not plan on the kindness of a stranger, and her equally kind husband. Who was shoving a heavily laden shopping cart at the snails pace of the checkout line. Invites me to move In front of them in the line.

Thanking them profusely, I was on my way much faster.

After all we had big plans.

We had big plans to go fishing!
What we didn't plan on. In fact what we, along with a lot of other people seemed to have forgotten was a very important tid-bit of relative importance, was the necessity of a little thing called..."UV Protection".
As our little group trouped up yon hill to the awaiting wind whipped drink, only one, thought to ask if anyone brought sunscreen, she alone had he foresight to actually apply it.
She alone came away not bearing the painful first sunburn of the season, in one form or another.

No fish were caught, but that did not dampen spirits for future ventures.

I, and my sunscreen covered grand daughter, not being much along the lines of fisher type persons, chose to walk the somewhat freshly completed path, whilst the others remained to monitor bobbers.

Twas a good day!!


  1. What in the world!? Talk about the wrong day to hit the store! ha ha
