

I have been craving cookies lately.
Not just any cookies. 
No, I have had Grandma Peterson's cookies on the brain.

I have been making them for more years that I can remember, but the last time I made them, they flopped!

They tasted pretty much like they look.

After some deliberation, my daughter and I concluded that I had used to much granulated sugar.

She made chocolate chip cookies the next night, but my craving for these particular cookies was not easily appeased.

Today the cravings returned. 
And since I happen to be having a rare case of "Empty house, all to myself", I decided to get my bake on again.

So with tall thin, and short rounded cooking angels fluttering about, I went to work.

ps, I have become my Grampa, I use rubber bands to close most anything...

Back to the mixing...

Opps! Almost lost the batch on the right, they got a little over done.


I know it's killing you to did I know, there were busy cooking angels helping me?
Well because I asked them to, of course!

I know they were there, because of all the past cooking experiences that came to mind as I worked. And I chuckled again at many of them, teared up at a few of them.

Yes. Today, I put my bake on, along with my apron, and took a wonderful trip down memory lane...

Now let's get some milk and finish the trip, shall we?!


  1. Looks yummy!! Your hand- written recipe is completely charming.

  2. mmmm, looks delicious! So glad you were able to finally replicate the cookies, thanks to those angels!
