
I Fall Asleep...

Well I sure wish I could tell you, I have been gone this past couple of weeks on an exotic vacation or something equally impressive.

But alas and alack, I can tell you of no such adventures.

The truths is...
I have been lazy.

Not on purpose. 
Not by any means. No. I have had a couple of weeks of, falling asleep every blessed time I get the chance to sit down. 

So I have been on the,'find out what the heck is going on' trail.

If sugar gave me the energy I feel I've needed, I'd be set with all the delish cookies my daughter has been baking, and I  have graciously been...sampling... 

But a trip to my health care provider soon let me know that, while admirable that I have been taking my lack of energy into  my own hands, chocolate rollo cookies really are not the answer.

You see I have hypothyroidism, and the falling asleep or getting drowsy every time I paused, Is a pretty good indication that I need to change things up a little.

So I've been hot on the trail of what it is that will be helping me.

I think I've hit On something...

We'll see what he says next time I go in ;)

I am pretty sure he will tell me to stick with the exercising rather than the sweets trail.

Oh how I wish, just once, the answer could include sweets instead of exercise...

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