

I remember watching the "old people" doing things I thought were so weird that I would NEVER do them when I grew up.

I am pleased to announce that I have grown up to do some, but not all of them.

The one thing, I laughed the most over was the folks I saw outside in the Spring shoveling snow from piles in their yards, to help it melt faster?


Imagine my side splitting laughter as I open the garage door one day last week to see that Honey, had grabbed a shovel and was out...

That's right! shoveling piles of snow in the yard so they would melt faster.

I told him I think this act makes him officially and old person :)


I have been needing a new picture of myself, and have been stressing just a little about the probability of, not, getting one that makes me me.
I was discussing this with Tiny Dancer and she asked if I wanted her to draw a picture of me?

Of course!!! I have very talented and artistic grand children and never pass up an opportunity for them to gift me wtih their talents!

She went in the other room and came back with the things she needed, had me pose just right, then went to work.
Her toung out in concintration, her eye's darting in my direction frequently, to be sure to capture...

The REAL me...

I believe it is one of the best portraites of me in existance!


One of our young-un's, and his, brought a lot o' soda pop with them when they came to hang out one Saturday.

Honey, who is very quiet by nature, picked up a can and drank it slowly. Licking his lips and looking at the front of the can now and again...

Then quietly said, "Do you know how long it has been since I had an A & W Cream Soda?" Offering me a drink, "I remember...."

Isn't it interesting how little things trigger the best memories?!

Pardone me, I'm off to put these things, and other's, safely in my journal.


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