
Stormy Day Visits...

The wind is blowing, it is colder than a well diggers shovel in the Klondike's, it is trying to rain, then snow, then rain again.

I wish the weather was as ready for Summer as I am... It doesn't matter how much I want it to hurry, so I may as well be happy where I am.

And where I am is a great place to be.

I went and spent an afternoon visiting with my Aunt and Uncle.

They are the last ones now, they are so cute and fun to visit!

I always learn a lot during the time I spend with them!

We talked of family, religion, garden's, canning and preserving, dogs, serving, being served...

I asked my Dear little Aunt what advice she could give me on aging, her reply is one I have heard echoed by many before, and I'm sure will hear again.

"I can't really tell you anything other than 'don't fall over'!" 

I love their spunk!! 

She is just recovering from some bad falls she has taken over the past couple of weeks.

We talked about some of the things her father, Grandpa Ben, built for all of the family's children.

In fact, the little cupboard my youngest grand daughter is playing with now, is one that Grandpa Ben built for our house, before I was little!

It stores pots and pans and tea party paraphernalia, as well as books and other assorted toys. 
It is as loved now as it was then.
A timeless toy.

We talked of the books we are reading, the ones we love to read and re-read. We talked of the old day's and the now day's...

I look forward to our visits, and cherish each one!

When I go to visit they always invite me to come for lunch. We have a slice of buttered bread with a think slice of 'the sharpest Cheddar cheese around', a fruit, usually sliced apples or home preserved peaches, a glass of water and an oatmeal raisin cookie. 

It is like a tea party for grown ups!!

And I do so love a good tea party!

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