
How It Really Went Down...

The way it really went down...

I did set my alarm to wake up an hour earlier, it did go off at the designated time.

I did sit up.

My head started to swim, then a sharp pounding started up on the right side, clutching it in a grip I hoped would hold it all together I lay back down very fast-the alarm would eventually stop, right?

That's about the time the coughing fit decided to rip at my throat, try to collapse my chest, pop my back, and cause breathing to be virtually nonexistent for a few seconds, which in turn got the pounding in my head to return with a vengeance.

Once I regained a semblance of composure, I got up and shuffled to the kitchen with an 'airborne tablet' clutched in my hand.
Dropping it into the small glass of water where it could begin to work its magic. Since I didn't have my glasses on, I tried to lengthen out, then shorten my reach enough to rest near the tip of my nose, and eventually, I be able to squintily focus enough for reading the package of cold and sinus headache medicine, to see if I had enough symptoms to gain solice from ingesting the required amount.


So I washed the two pills down with the effervescent orange flavored vitamin mixture, that made my eyes water and was not a bit pleasant, then returned to my room.

The dogs where needing to go out a.s.a.p., and Tiny Dancer would soon be there to jump on the bed with them, so I dressed in my exercise clothing, that I had set out the night before, finishing off with my scarf and coat, out the door we headed.

I had hopes of the usual chill air helping to clear some of my breathing ailments, with the added hope of it not irritating the pounding in my noggin... it was warmer than usual, and I thought what a beautiful morning it would have been to go walking...when I was seized with another coughing fit, almost losing my balance as the brave little beasties startled into different directions, ending with my legs tangled in the leashes.  

Once back in the relative safety of my room, I did a few gentle yoga stretches, then gave myself one more day to be sick, thinking of the time I will be feeling better and enjoying good health all the more for this miserable time...

This morning found me with a lot less sinus problems, coughing to a minimum (yeah!) and a wind coming straight out of the East canyon thinking its dancing the Wyoming plains, the wind that could freeze your eyeballs open in seconds...

Indoor exercising is a good place to start don't you think?

1 comment:

  1. ha ha, so true. Some days are certainly better to exercise INSIDE!

    Hope you get over your cough soon, I just went through 3 weeks of it...yuck!
