
The Play Room

Remember a short time ago I was all proud of myself for figuring out how to keep the playroom all organized and cleaned up?

Yeah, Well, that worked really well...for about an hour.

So again, I was at the frustration level only a distraught Grammy can reach. I knew I couldn't burn it down and start over, I couldn't throw it all away and start over...I stewed, I fretted, I turned to pintrest for help!

Ok, I was on pintrest looking for lots of stuff and this little "Zoo" thing for toy's happened to pop up and make my old heart go pitty~pat.

Soon I had Honey looking at things, making lists and heading to the local hardware store, then to the man~cave (he likes all this don't let him fool you), and a few short hours later...

Viola!! A "Zoo" built and a clean play area!

The only thing is...

The back of the little book shelf turned toy shelf, was looking pretty plain and forlorn upon entering the room...

So off Honey went. This time to the paint department for some primer and chalkboard paint...

(He doesn't need much coaxing to go to the build it stores).

Three day's dry time, then lets bust out the sidewalk chalk!!


  1. Chalkboards are so charming! What a fun thing to do!!!

  2. Chalkboards are so charming! What a fun thing to do!!!

  3. I'm excited to see you tried that from PINTEREST; it looks fabulous and helped organization so much!

    And AWESOME idea for the chalkboard, that will be so fun for the kids!

    Can I come play?? :)

  4. The chalk borad is a hit! and the room is still organized-in fact its as much fun for her/us to clean up as it it to mess up now :) Sabrina seriously-you are welcome to come play anytime!!
