
Book Marks

Lambs ears.

I remember hearing stories as I was growing up about this plant.
Things along the lines of, 'If you see lambs ears growing, it's almost a guarantee there would be stinging nettle some place close around.

I still couldn't tell you what it looks like, even standing waist high in it...ask my Honey.

after that, I never went looking for it I can tell you that.

There was another story I heard that told of how the people, mostly women, would use a leaf as a book mark.
I figured that to be something I could try.
I did too.
It retained its soft fuzziness long after it had dried. Never left a mark on any of the pages.
I used it for a pretty long time. Until it started to crack and crumble from age.

Since then I've never replaced it with another leaf...

There have been a stack of various book marks used.
Many still I'm use. 
But the markers I'm having fun with now are 'book worms'...

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