
Mud Pies & Self Worth

Making mud pies is a fun pass time.

I know, I was once quite a mud pie specialist.
I also know, looking at me it may be a little hard to tell at first, but once you get to know me, you might start to notice a little pie making aura wafting about me.

When I was little I made them with quite a lot of care, sometimes not so much, but always with the expectation that "someone" would be a willing pretender for eating my creations.

My Dad was just that masculine example of willingness for me.

What was just a child's game of pretend actually taught me so very much more than the fact that my Dad was awesome.

Why just today, I learned yet another lesson from my mud pie making days. One that I have lived with everyday of my life and never *saw*.

Because of the willingness of my Dad to pretend to, not only eat, but to enjoy, and praise me for my madd skills.

He was teaching me that he *saw* me. In the 'Avitar' sense of the word.

He validated me.

And by so doing let me know that I am a person. A person of worth.

It didn't matter that I was small.

It didn't matter that I was trying to get him to eat a conglomeration of dirt, ditch water, grass blades, sticks, and possibly even a bug carcass for kicks n giggles.

He let me know that I, and what I was doing, and what was important to me, was important to him.

I find it mystifying to think that my mud pie making days were actually teaching me that I.
Am good enough.
Just as I am.

What he was teaching me went much, much deeper than humoring an imaginative child. His actions were actually teaching me a way of expecting to be treated by others.
And how to treat them.

Now behold, as a person of 'Good Enough', I want you to know, YOU are good enough too!!

Just as you are!!

Arguing is futile on this subject.
I am choosing to *see* you.

Yes you.

As a 'Person of Good Enough', through and through!

Now let's go make some mud pies!!!

I call dibs on the chair!!!

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