
I Am Damaged...And Dangerous :)

I saw this quote the other day and it has had me thinking...

I believe this can be true.

I also believe it depends on where a person is in their/our damagedness.

It is hard to see our survival skills when things in our world are crashing and crumbling all around us.

It's one of those hind sight strengths. The kind you can often only see from the view of looking back, and apparently it doesn't really work looking back from half way through things.

I wonder why that is?

But I have come to learn, and believe!! That I have survived some hard things, I may still carry the scar's from the damages, but I survived them!

There is bound to be other things ahead, that will be hard and try to damage me, and you.

How do I know that, you may wonder, it is simply because we are alive.

I guess damaged people really are dangerous...Because we KNOW we can survive!!

So join me when I say,
"I can do hard things. I am a survivor. I am strong!!"

Say it loud!!

Say it Proud!!!


And if you find yourself in the midst of those hard things that tend to damage us... Remember this, Tomorrow will come. And with it peace will return. And if it doesn't return tomorrow, it will the next day...and if to many day's pass and peace doesn't return?

ASK SOMEONE for help!

It does not mean you are weak, it doesn't mean you have given up.
I believe that when we ask for help, we are taking an active role in our own well being.

And that right there is a good thing!!

So whether you find yourself in times of personal peace, or eyeball deep in hard things. Please! Keep breathing!!

Be strong!!

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